Samospráva mesta » Projekty financované EÚ a dotácie » The project 609387-CITIZ-1-2019-1-HU-CITIZ-TT was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens" « späť

The project 609387-CITIZ-1-2019-1-HU-CITIZ-TT was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens"

dátum aktualizácie: 22.10.2019 | počet zobrazení: 7 113

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Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.1 "Town-Twinning”

Participation: The project involved 208 citizens, notably 108 participants from the city of Mateszalka (Hungary), 52 participants from the city of Oberkochen (Germany); 25 participants from the city of Kolbuszowa (Poland); 20 participants from the city of Humenne (Slovakia); 80 participants from the organisation Junge Philharminie Ostwüttemberg (Germany).

Location/ Dates: The event took place in Mateszalka (Mateszalka, Hungary), from 22/08/2019 to 26/08/2019

Short description:

The day of 22/08/2019 was dedicated to host our guests, sightseeing tour in Mateszalka, visiting plants.
Our first programme was a sightseeing tour, where we took a look on the public institutions, cultural and historical public places with our participants. In connection with the main topic of our project we have visited a few plants, craftsmen this year. By the help of this step a new conversation has started, because every company feels different about the effects of the labour migration. We have put ourselves in the mood of the project topic.

The day of 23/08/2019 was dedicated to conference, reflections, debates.
We have asked specialists and experts in the field of labour migration for example from the Employment Department, representatives from local companies, leaders from the county, who are dealing with this topic as a daily routine. The leaders of the twinned-town delegations shared their local experiences.

The day of 24/08/2019 was dedicated to workshop.
The employees were confronted with the employers, and the participants had an opportunity to raise questions for both parties on the labour market.

The day of 25–26/08/2019 was dedicated to cultural and traditional programs.
We invited our partners to programs and our goal was to learn, accept and deepen each other’s cultural habits, heritage and connections.

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